Thank You Juggernauts

I love nonprofits. I think that helping others is important. I like giving back and feeling like I’m a part of something. I believe volunteerism and philanthropy should be a part of everyone’s life.  I also believe that if I don’t make a point real soon, I’ll lose a few readers.

Each fall, gaggles of nonprofits big and small host charity walks to raise money for research. Over the years I’ve participated in my share of walks and think they are truly wonderful. Most articles about charity walks say similar things — they’re great because they raise funds, they raise awareness, and they get people to exercise.

I too think they are awesome for those same reasons. But this time around I want to applaud something you may not pay attention to –the event staff who organize charity walks. For the purpose of this blog, we shall call them The Juggernauts.

Don’t Forget the Snacks

The Juggernauts work their tails off to produce drama free charity walks. These dedicated (usually WAY underpaid) staff members, truly are the brains of the operation.

They start planning way in advance to make sure registration is seamless, confusion is limited, and that communication is frequent – yet not intrusive. They manage sponsors, corporate teams, t-shirt logistics, special guests, day of questions, and snacks. Yes a volunteer without a snack is a volunteer that won’t come back. <—Real Talk.

The workday of a Juggernaut is long. In fact says that in preparation for a charity walk, Juggernauts work an average of 168 hours a week (don’t google that stat).

But even with the sleepless nights and endless to do lists, Juggernauts near and far say it’s all worth it because they get to raise awareness and funds for causes they care about.

For Real, Thank Them

Sarcasm aside, Juggernauts are dedicated individuals who help raise the needed funding and essential awareness for causes that touch us all. And even though they aren’t the scientist doing the actual research, their contribution is valued and appreciated.

Without them, you wouldn’t get that awesome ‘I did something good today’ feeling. Without them you wouldn’t feel motivated/guilted into rallying your friends, coworkers, and family into supporting you. Without them, your charity t-shirt count would be zero.

So if you find yourself at a charity walk this fall, take a moment to give the Juggernauts a Kudos and Cheers for their hard work. If you have a difficult time finding them amongst the enormous crowd of do-gooders,  just look for the people that look like they are running on fumes. I promise you that person is a Juggernaut and they deserve a hug…or at least a hi-five.

 Here Are a Few Upcoming Charity Walks

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society – Light the Night Walk
Montgomery County – October 6
Washington. DC – October 13
Northern Virginia – October 20

Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes
Chicago, IL, and Washington, DC – October 20

National Down Syndrome Society –  Buddy Walk
Northern Virginia – October 20

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Atlanta, GA – October 6
Jacksonville, FL October 13
Washington, DC – October 20
Chicago, IL – October 20
Parsippany, NJ – October 21
Brooklyn, NY – October 21

AIDS Walk Washington
Washington, DC – October 27

Greater Washington Heart Walk
Washington, DC – November 10

Come Back. We Miss You.

I had a post half way done and ready to go. But after the nonsense that was the officiating during the Seahawks vs. Packers game, I had to put that bad boy on the shelf.

Since this blog is about saluting the good things, writing about the replacement refs is going to be a stretch. Can’t salute Roger Goodell because well — he’s Roger Goodell. Can’t salute the actual replacement refs because they are doing a lot of things, but being good is not one of them.

So where does the Kudos and Cheers part come in? Where is the silver lining? It’s at the realization of how valuable the referees are to the game.

I now realize that I took their contribution for granted. I was ignorant to their importance. But not any more. Today I salute all professional referees and umpires for their value to games we love.

Six Reasons Why I Love Referees

  1. They make the game fair. If you break a rule you get a penalty. A pretty easy concept to grasp and one you don’t miss til it’s gone. Reference: Seahawks vs. Packers game.
  2. They keep the game moving. They mange the clock down to the second. They make quick decisions between plays, they make sure the first quarter isn’t an hour long. Reference Denver vs. Atlanta game.
  3. They keep the game safe. By calling penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct and illegal hits (which sometimes lead to retaliation and fights) they keep the players safe. This is essential when you are talking about a sport that is already dangerous.
  4. They keep coaches in line. Football is an intense sport with a lot of emotion. The men in stripes play a key role in making sure the folks on the sideline stay in their lane. Reference: Fox, Del Rio, and Belichick
  5. They explain the rules. There are a lot of rules in football. Luckily we don’t have to remember them all because we have the refs, right? Reference: Definition of a field goal, Patriots vs. Baltimore game.
  6. They protect the shield (I hate that term). But seriously, they do protect the integrity of a game that has several moving parts. I didn’t know it then but I now see just how important that skill is. I love those guys for that, and I want them back. Not now, but right now.

Let’s Switch it Up

Coming out isn’t easy. You have to dig deep and work up the courage to share it with your loved ones. You have to tell them you’ve been living a lie, that you are this and not that. It’s a difficult step to take.

Just ask former Florida governor, Charlie Crist, who recently came out as a Democrat and former congressman, Artur Davis who recently came out as a Republican.

In a Past Life

Before stepping on stage at the Democratic/Republican National Convention, both men proudly supported their parties.

Crist made comments like, “I’m about as conservative as you can get… I’m a pro-life, pro-gun, anti-tax Republican.”  While Artur Davis proudly supported President Obama, saying, “I heard him remind my red state that there is no such thing as a Democrat way or Republican way to build strong families.”

But that was then, this is now, and things have changed.

Wanna Trade?

Switching your political affiliation takes guts, courage, and a bit of soul searching. With a 24/7 news cycle and political pundits out the wazoo, our political climate has become intense. Party leaders and advocates are constantly making attacks over every little thing. And citizens wear their political affiliations like a badge, strickly sticking to either red or blue. So making the decision to switch it up is – as Ron Burgundy eloquently put it – “kind of a big deal.” Especially during an election year.

Now, I won’t claim to know what motivated Crist and Davis to jump ship. And I know it’s politics, so they might have done it for personal gain. BUT trading parties is a bold step and I applaud them for taking it.

Cheers to standing up for what you believe and for changing your mind. For doing something different and making some waves. And while I many not agree with some of their new found beliefs  – shoots Artur Davis the side eye – I still respect their decision and applaud it for what it is.

Way to go Crist-Davis, the 2012 Party Switchers.

Disclaimer Time: Coming out of the closet and coming out as a different political party are not actually the same thing. It was just a cool opening.

Weekend Champ Goes To…

Starting Rookie Quarterback (SRQ)

Yes, we just closed the book on week two. And yes, things can and most likely will change. But you’d have to be void of sports knowledge to not see that the five 2012 rookie quarterbacks – Robert Griffin, III (Redskins), Andrew Luck  (Colts), Ryan Tannehill (Dolphins), Brandon Weeden (Browns), and Russell Wilson (Seahawks) – are displaying some serious potential. I’m not saying they are going to the Super Bowl. But I am saying these boys looked good on Sunday.

In the past, football fans have had high hopes for SRQs just to be let down later on  – yea you Vince Young, Matt Leinhart, JaMarcus Russell, Brady Quinn. As a result, fans developed a natural lack of confidence for giving a 20 something the starting role for their team.

But today, the new class of SRQs look mature, are showing some real talent, and are bringing a new perspective to the title of Starting Rookie Quarterback. Again, I know we only completed week two but from where I sit, these guys deserve a high-five and the title of Weekend Champ.

Week Two Comparison:  2012 SRQs vs. 2011 SRQs 

2012 SRQ 7 touchdowns vs. 2011 SRQ 3 touchdowns

2012 SRQ Averaged 221 yards vs. 2011 SRQ 270 yards

2012 SRQ 1 Interception vs. 2011 SRQ 3 Interceptions

Honorable Mention Weekend Champ

  • Yankees vs. Orioles AL East Race – The battle for the top spot in the AL East is making for GREAT baseball and preparing baseball fans for awesomeness that is October baseball.
  • U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team – The team beat Australia 2-1 and drew nearly 20,000 in attendance. Cheers for female athletes!
  • FSU for being the only ACC Team in the Top 10. They are no SEC team but they are there.
  • Eli Manning – 510 yards. Peyton Who?

Another Blog?!?


Let’s just be honest. I know you read blogs every chance you get. While you’re in meetings, while you’re waiting for the train, while your boo is talking about something you don’t care about, and definitely during commercials.

I also know you have a love-hate relationship with blogs. While blogs provide you with interesting, useless, op-ed type information, you’re a busy person. You don’t have time to waste reading blogs. Your time would probably be better spent staying culturally competent watching Hip Hop Atlanta-LA-Miami or exercising your brain muscles playing Scammble/Words With Friends.

With that being said, I also know you like to learn new things, you like useless information, and you like being cool. Lucky for you, Kudos and Cheers will give you all of those things, knowledge, useless information, and coolness. Thank me later.

I’ve always wanted to blog but didn’t want to add white noise to the crowded blogsphere. I wanted my blog to be relevant and unique. And didn’t know how to do it until now.

Kudos and Cheers is my attempt to create a relevant unique blog that applauds the awesomness I see in sports, politics, and the community (peppered with wit and sarcasm). That’s it. No knocking people down or negativity. Just hugs and high fives for the good I see.

I hope you enjoy. Wheels up readers. Let’s get it going!